The Writers’ Trust of Canada is a charitable organization on a mission to advance, nurture, and celebrate Canadian writers and writing.

You can nominate a developing writer who deserves to be considered for WT Rising Stars or submit yourself for consideration. Selectors for the 2025 program will review eligible nominated writers in equal standing to writers they discover through their own independent search. 


Eligibility Criteria 

  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident. 
  • In the developing stages of their careers, though there is no age restriction. 
  • Working in any language in the categories of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or children’s literature, including artists working in multiple mediums and/or experimenting with the literary art form. 
  • At minimum, have at least one literary publishing credit in a magazine, newspaper, periodical, or anthology. 
  • At maximum, have two books published with a traditional publishing house. 

Evaluation Criteria 

Recipients will be writers who demonstrate exceptional literary merit and display outstanding promise in their publication(s) to date. Selectors are asked to choose a writer whose talent amazes, whose approach to writing shines, and who, in their opinion, has the potential to become an important and influential Canadian voice. 


Please send us a nomination letter (one or two pages max). We ask that you make a case for your nominee’s selection with a description of their writing and their potential. Tell us why their work shines so bright and why they should be a WT Rising Star. 



Monday, August 26 at 11:59pm PT

For more information, contact: 

Liz Kondo, Program Coordinator 

Writers' Trust of Canada